Your "Magick Ability Test"
...were you born with the power to do Magick?
Find out...
Question #1:
Are you a man or a woman?
So many of my students have asked where (and how) to get Magickal tools for spells over the years, I just had to address it here and now.
First off, it's important for you to understand that you do not have to find a "secret Magickal shop" to get tools from in order for them to be effective in your spells.
Are you a man or a woman?
Your tools can come from can even make them... for free.
No matter where you get your tools (if you even choose to use them), they should "speak to you".
When you pick a tool up, it should "feel" if it was meant for you. Listen to your inner self, and choose only the tools that resonate with you. You'll know when you find them, and you'll learn to recognize this feeling.
This goes for tools your purchase, and tools you find out in nature...or anywhere else.
You can use sticks...shells...stones... cooking pots for a cauldron... a butter knife as an athame... etc. This is one of the amazing facts about Magickal Tools. They really can come from anywhere.
In my experience, the most effective tools for me have been found outside in nature. Other ones I make myself, and still use to this day. You can modify standard kitchen knives with crafted handles to make them make them your own. You can craft unique altar cloths from worn out pieces of clothing that are meaningful to you. Just a couple examples.
Make sure to open your senses...your tools will find you. Whether you are walking along the beach, through your backyard, or through a store.
Never forget that wherever your tools come from, you must give them a thorough cleansing and consecration befure use. Both natural objects, and man made tools can have negative energy that can reduce the effectiveness of your you must cleanse and consecrate each one.
Once you have cleansed and consecrated a tool it is 100% yours..and it is charged with your energy.
So you don't need to spend lots of money to have a nice selection of powerful Magick tools. In the end, the Magick comes from you... not your tools.
Are you a man or a woman?