Everyone needs a little Magick in their life.

Simple "Witch Pendulum" Ritual To See Your Future

Witch pendulums are one of the easiest ways to channel and divine your future. This is simple, fun, and anyone can do it.

The best way to do this is to use the ritual below to answer yes or no questions with your favorite pendulum.


Your "Magick Ability Test"

...were you born with the power to do Magick? Find out...

Question #1:

Are you a man or a woman?

What type of pendulum should you use? In my experience, the best ones are made of natural materials like some sort of stone or crystal. They can be made from any type of gemstone. The best ones are made from a clear quartz crystal... a magickal all-purpose stone.

You can also use a pendulum made from your favorite stone...or better yet, birth stone. As long as it feels right to you.

The chain or cord of your pendulum should be 9 or 10 inches long, so you can swing it freely.

The best cords to use are made of silver, gold, copper, or brass. If you use a plain cord make sure it is fiber based.

Divine Your Future With A Witch Pendulum

STEP 1: Create a "pendulum ard". Take a piece of paper, draw a cross in the center, and at the North and South points of the card write "yes". At the East and West points of the card, write no.

STEP 2: Personalize your pendulum of you wish. It can only help. Some suggestions: inscribe symbols and runes on the card. I like to use a wood burning tool to make my yes/no table into a piece of wood. This makes the card permanent...for my own personal use.

STEP 3: Sit down in a comfortable position and place the pendulum card in front of you. Meditate briefly to clear your mind of thoughts that will interrupt the ritual. Think only of the question you have. If you have a Deity you are close to, ask for guidance. Become as calm, clear, and focused as you can be. Soft music helps.

STEP 4: Hold the pendulum in your dominant hand. Let the cord or chain run through your fingers so you hold 2-3 inches of chain in your hand. Let the pendulum dangle over your pendulum card, and make sure the tip of the pendulum is in the center of the cross.

STEP 5: Focus deeply on the question you want the answer to. It must be a yes/no question. Ask the question aloud. Make sure the only thoughts in your head are related to the question you have.

STEP 6: Keep your hand as still as you can. As the pendulum begins to swing back and forth slightly, keep your hand still. The pendulum will start doing it's job by swinging back and forth in line with the answer it is providing. East/West = no. North/South = yes. If it goes in circles, the answer cannot be determined yet. Try again later.

Using a pendulum to answer your most important questions is simple, fun, and effective if you follow the steps above. There are many other uses for Magick pendulums including dowsing and locating lost items.

For now, focus on divining the answers you seek...and enjoy!


Your "Magick Ability Test"

...were you born with the power to do Magick? Find out...

Question #1:

Are you a man or a woman?

Important Disclaimer: Spell casting is more art than science... and even the most gifted Magickal Practitioner will not be successful every time. The spells, rituals, and techniques listed on this site are for entertainment purposes only. You may not get the intended results of any spell, ritual, or technique on this site.